Schematic Editor
Micro-Cap 10
Command statement not recognized
Adding a shape to the schematic with no electrical model
Placing a diagonal diode
Connecting nodes without using wires
Connecting nodes across pages
Forcing a line feed in grid text
Viewing model statement parameters
Using European symbols in the schematic
Changing the attribute text color of a component
Changing the attribute text color of multiple components simultaneously
Editing model statement parameters
Engineering units
Schematic display options for a component
Text labels are incrementing on a copy and paste
Toggling the route of the wire
Using rubberbanding
Rotating Components
Micro-Cap 9
Connecting nodes without using wires
Connecting nodes across pages
Using European symbols in the schematic
Using rubberbanding
Micro-Cap 8
Viewing model statement parameters
Editing model statement parameters
Rotating Components
Micro-Cap 6
Viewing model statement parameters
Editing model statement parameters
Using a BSIM model in a schematic
Forcing a line feed in grid text