Direct Schematic Waveform Probing
Micro-Cap lets you probe schematics directly for waveforms.
Simply point the mouse at a device or circuit node and click.
You can set the probe to measure digital states, voltage,
current, power, energy, resistance, charge, capacitance, flux,
inductance, B field, or H field. The probe can display
transient, AC, or DC analysis results. It's like probing a
circuit with an oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, or a curve
tracer. Expressions such as VCE(Q1)*IC(Q1) to determine the
power through the transistor Q1 may also be plotted.
Micro-Cap also supports hierarchial probing. Probe on a macro or subcircuit and
up comes the macro schematic or subcircuit for further probing.
Navigate levels easily.
SPICE files may also be probed by clicking on a part or node name
within the text file.