Monte Carlo
How do I define a tolerance on a battery component so I can run Monte Carlo simulations on my circuit?
Typically the only objects that can have a tolerance assigned to them are define variables and parameters within model statements. There are a couple of exceptions and tolerancing a battery is one of them. Assigning a tolerance to a battery is simple. In the VALUE attribute of the battery, enter the LOT statement after the voltage value of the battery. The syntax for defining the value of a battery is:
optionally specifies which of one hundred random number generators, numbered 0 through 99, are used to calculate parameter values. This lets you correlate parameters among different components.
optionally specifies the distribution as follows:
UNIFORM = Equal Probability distribution
GAUSS = Normal or Gaussian distribution
WCASE = Worst case distribution
As an example, if you would like to enter a 10V battery that has a tolerance of 20%, the VALUE attribute for the battery component would be defined as:
10 LOT=20%
Most of the parameters in the Voltage Source and Current Source components can also be toleranced in a similar manner.