This section is designed to highlight one or two features per issue that may be overlooked because they are not made visually obvious with an icon or a menu item.
Pop Up Analysis Variable List
An easy way to view circuit variables and operators that are available for an analysis is through the Pop Up Analysis Variable List. This pop up list appears when the right mouse button is clicked in a Y Expression field in the Analysis Limits dialog box. This list shows available variables, constants, functions, and operators. It also lets you expand the Y Expression field which allows you to view and edit longer expressions with greater ease.
The variables section includes node voltages, digital states, device voltages, device currents, resistances, capacitances, inductances, charges, fluxes, H fields, and B fields. The constants include the fixed variables, J, PI, TRUE, and FALSE. The functions include complex, DSP, calculus, miscellaneous, and transcendental functions. The operators include relational, boolean, and arithmetic operators.
Choosing one of the variables, constants, functions, or operators from the list will place it in the Y Expression field from which the mouse was clicked in. The variables, constants, and operators will be placed where the cursor is at. To set this location, you would need to place the cursor with the left mouse button prior to invoking the Variable List. The functions will wrap around everything that was previously in the expression field and use all of it as a single parameter. For functions that need multiple parameters, the other parameters would need to be specified after the function has been placed in the field.
Clicking the right mouse button in the P, X Expression, Range, and FMT fields invokes a simpler menu showing suitable choices. This feature is described in the Transient Analysis chapters of both manuals.