Spectrum Software
Industrial Strength Simulation






Questions and Answers - Winter 2016


Question: Question: Is there a way to use the state variable file *.TOP output from the transient analysis as the starting point for a DC temp sweep?.

Answer: No, but one other method to consider is to run transient, do a DC OP only, then use the State Variables editor (F12) .IC command to create an .IC statement which then might later benefit DC analysis. Of course DC sweep involves stepping things which usually change the operating point rendering the initial conditions in the .IC statement obsolete. Still, the method may prove useful as a good initial guess for each step.

Question: Question: If I have two subcircuits (or macros) that both contain a model statement of the same name, will that cause a conflict? If not which one will be used?

Answer: Each subcircuit uses the model statement within its .SUBCKT command or macro circuit. Each subcircuit is unaware of the other statement so there is no conflict. Another way of saying this is that the scope of each model statement is limited to the subcircuit (or macro).

Question: While tidying up I noticed that the MC11 directory has a lot of exe files etc. which seem to have accumulated with all the updates. Does MC11 need them all? I suspect some are there only for historical reasons.

Answer: When downloading a new executable from the Help / Check for Updates, the program makes a backup of earlier versions so that you can revert to them if desired. Most people never use these backups, so feel free to remove them if you wish. One caveat though, Spectrum does not provide backups of these earlier versions so if you ever want to use them you won't be able to once they are removed.

Question: I have a problem with my microcap 8. I try to install microcap 8 on my lap top, the security key don’t work, I connect it to the lap top but the program said key not found!

Answer: MC8 will not work in Windows 7 or 8 or 10 with a standalone key. It will only work on these operating systems if the key is a network key. If you have a network key, you should be able to install and run MC8 on Windows 7 or 8 or 10.

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