Question: Does Micro-Cap come with a node-locked or a floating license?
Answer: First of all, a few definitions:
Node-locked license: This is a license that allows the user to install the program on only
one machine.Micro-Cap does NOT currently use node-locked licenses. Micro-Cap may be installed
on as many machines as desired. However, it will only run simultaneously on as many machines
as there are licensed seats.
Floating license: This is a license that allows the user to install the program anywhere he
likes. This is the only type of license that Micro-Cap currently uses.
Question: We are trying to use the Check for Updates feature to update our Micro-Cap 10.
When we attempt to use it we are getting this message:
File update failed.
Uncompress: Can’t open c:program File (x86)\Spectrum\MC10\dlmcapver.exe
What are we doing wrong?
Answer: Most likely you are attempting to operate out of a folder that is
write-protected. You can get around this in two ways:
1) Obtain administrative privileges (usually from your IP department) which allow you to both
read and write to Micro-Cap folders. The problem with this is that your admin privileges may be
revoked at any time by IP "maintainence updates".
2) Install Micro-Cap in a folder that is always writable, something like C:\MC10. This is the
recommended approach.
Micro-Cap must be able to write to all of its folders, including the main folder (where the
Micro-Cap executable is), the DATA folders, and LIBRARY folders.