The Wire Properties dialog box contains the following sections:
Node Name(s): Any wire that is connected to a node will automatically have a node
number assigned to it. The node numbers are determined by the order that parts are
placed in the schematic so they can change as the circuit evolves. For this reason,
with nodes of particular interest, it is recommended that node names be assigned to
the nodes. One method is to use the Text mode in the schematic and place a text label on
a wire directly. The alternative is to enter a name in this field. The node number will
always appear in the list but is not available for editing.
Width: The width of the wire can be set with this field. The width can be set
anywhere from one to ten pixels. The default width for the wire is one pixel.
Color: The color of the wire can be selected through this button. The default
color of the wires is controlled through the Color/Font page of the Circuit Properties
dialog box. If a color is set in this field, it will take priority over the color set
in the Circuit Properties dialog box.
Change Entire Node: When enabled, any change in either the Width or the Color
settings will be applied to all wires that are connected to the node. If disabled, the
Width and Color settings will only be applied to the specific wire segment that was