This section is designed to highlight one or two features per issue that may be overlooked because they
are not made visually obvious with a toolbar button.
Analysis Plot Title Variables
The Analysis Properties dialog box contains a Title field in its Plot page that lets a user define the
title of the analysis plot. Typically, the Auto checkbox is enabled and Micro-Cap automatically creates
the title from the circuit name and the analysis run details. When the Auto checkbox is disabled, the
user has complete control of the analysis title. Micro-Cap contains some generic variables that give
the user greater flexibility in defining a title. They are as follows:
$MCCASE - This prints the number of the Monte Carlo case that is currently running or that the cursor is on.
$CASE - This prints the Monte Carlo case that is currently running in the format: 'Case=#'.
$TEMPLOW - This prints the value of the lowest temperature.
$TEMPHIGH - This prints the value of the highest temperature.
$TEMPCURRENT - This prints the temperature of the analysis that is currently running or that the cursor is on.
$TEMPERATURE - This prints the temperature range in the format 'Temperature=" or "Temperature=....".
$STEPLOW# - This prints the low value of the specified number parameter. For example, $STEPLOW1 will print the low for parameter 1.
$STEPHIGH# - This prints the high value of the specified number parameter. For example, $STEPHIGH2 will print the high for parameter 2.
$STEPCURRENT# - This prints the value of the specified number parameter that is currently running or that the cursor is on.
$STEPNAME# - This prints the name of the specified number parameter. For example, $STEPNAME1 will print the name of parameter 1.
$STEPPING# - This prints the range of the specified number parameter. For example if parameter one is a resistor named R1 being stepped from 50 to 100. $STEPPING1 will print 'R1=50..100'.
$STEPPING - This prints the name and range of all parameters being stepped.
You can also use .define statements in the title. For example, if you have a statement in the schematic such as:
.define Title My Circuit
you can reference this in the title field by stating '$Title$'.
Many of the variables from the title block of the schematic are also available such as: $MC, $DATE, $TIME, $USER, $COMPANY, $NAME, and $NAMEEXT.