Micro-Cap 7 reads circuit files all the way back to Micro-Cap 4, but to be able to draw the schematic and run the simulations you must also make the Shape and Component library information available to Micro-Cap 7.
Porting files from Micro-Cap 6
Here is a summary of the main Micro-Cap 6 and 7 file types:
Circuit files end in the extensions *.CIR *.CKT and are found in the DATA folder in both MC6 and MC7.
Modeling files have the extensions *.LBR and *.LIB and are found in the DATA folder in MC6 and the LIBRARY folder in MC7.
Macro files have the extensions *.MAC *.CIR and are found in the DATA folder in MC6 and the LIBRARY folder in MC7.
The Shape library file has the name STANDARD.SHP and is found in the MC6 folder in MC6 and in the MC7 folder in MC7.
The Component library file has the name STANDARD.CMP and is found in the MC6 folder in MC6 and in the MC7 folder in MC7.
Miscellaneous support files end in the extensions *.USR and *.TNO and are found in the DATA Folder in both MC6 and MC7.
In general, install Micro-Cap 7 in a different folder from Micro-Cap 6. DO NOT USE THE SAME FOLDERS FOR BOTH PROGRAMS.
To port all of your MC6 material all at once, perform the following steps:
1) From the Micro-Cap 7 Component Editor, use the Merge button to merge the old Micro-Cap 6 Component library, STANDARD.CMP, with the new Micro-Cap 7 Component library, also called STANDARD.CMP. When you click on the Merge button, you are asked for the name of the file to merge the current library with. Browse to the Micro-Cap 6 folder and select the STANDARD.CMP file. If you have created other component library files (*.CMP), you should merge them as well.
You may also open the file rather than merging it if you prefer. Micro-Cap 7 will ask you to save it. Give it a new name like STARNDARD6.CMP. Its contents are then found under its new name rather than the STANDARD.CMP group.
2) From the Micro-Cap 7 Shape Editor, use the Open command. Browse to the Micro-Cap folder and select the STANDARD.SHP file. Micro-Cap 7 will ask you to save it. Give it a new name like SHAPE6.SHP.
3) Copy all macro files (in MC6 they may have either of the extensions .CIR or .MAC), and library files (*.LBR and *.LIB) to the LIBRARY folder, (usually at C:\MC7\LIBRARY). See the File Menu / Path command if you are unsure where the LIBRARY folder is.
4) Copy any circuit files (*.CIR) any circuit support files like user files (*.USR) and initial condition files (*.TOP) to the DATA folder, (usually at C:\MC7\DATA). See the File Menu / Path command if you are unsure where the DATA folder is.
Porting files from Micro-Cap 5
Porting files from Micro-Cap 5 is very similar and differs mainly in the names of the Component and Shape libraries.
Here is a summary of the main Micro-Cap 5 and 7 file types:
Circuit files end in the extensions *.CIR *.CKT and are found in the DATA Folder in both MC5 and MC7.
Modeling files have the extensions *.LBR and *.LIB and are found in the DATA folder in MC5 and the LIBRARY folder in MC7.
Macro files have the extension *.CIR and are found in the DATA folder in MC5 and the LIBRARY folder in MC7.
The Shape library file has the name SHAPE.MC5 and is found in the MC5 folder in MC5 and in the MC7 folder in MC7.
The Component library file has the name COMP.MC5 and is found in the MC5 folder in MC5 and in the MC7 folder in MC7.
Miscellaneous support files end in the extensions *.USR and *.TNO and are found in the DATA Folder in both MC5 and MC7.
In general, install Micro-Cap 7 in a different folder from Micro-Cap 5. DO NOT USE THE SAME FOLDERS FOR BOTH PROGRAMS.
To port all of your MC5 material all at once, perform the following steps:
1) From the Micro-Cap 7 Component Editor, use the Merge button to merge the Micro-Cap 5 Component library, COMP.MC5, with the Micro-Cap 7 Component library, STANDARD.CMP. When you click on the Merge button, you are asked for the name of the file to merge the current library with. Browse to the Micro-Cap 5 folder and select the COMP.MC5 file.
You may also open the file rather than merging it if you prefer. Micro-Cap 7 will ask you to save it. Give it a new name like STARNDARD5.CMP. Its contents are then found under its new name rather than the STANDARD.CMP group.
2) From the Micro-Cap 7 Shape Editor, use the Open command. Browse to the Micro-Cap folder and select the SHAPE.MC5 file. Micro-Cap 7 will ask you to save it. Give it a new name like SHAPE5.SHP.
3) Copy all macro files (in MC5 they have the extension .CIR), and library files (*.LBR and *.LIB) to the LIBRARY folder, (usually at C:\MC7\LIBRARY). See the File Menu / Path command if you are unsure where the LIBRARY folder is.
4) Copy any circuit files (*.CIR) any circuit support files like user files (*.USR) and initial condition files (*.TOP) to the DATA folder, (usually at C:\MC7\DATA). See the File Menu / Path command if you are unsure where the DATA folder is.
Once a file has been loaded and saved by MC7, it contains its own library and shape information and so it is highly portable, eliminating the need for all of the foregoing steps except the copying of macros. Future upgrades will be much easier.