This section is designed to highlight one or two features per issue that may be overlooked because they are not made visually obvious with an icon or a menu item.
Generating multiple curves in Probe
In Micro-Cap 6 you choose whether each probe click will add a new curve (Many Curves option), or replace the existing curve (One Curve option).
In Micro-Cap 7, there is another, somewhat hidden, option. Holding the Ctrl key down while clicking adds a new curve or deletes it if the curve is already displayed. It does this in either Many Curves or One Curve mode.
In you are in One Curve mode you can quickly add another curve by pressing the Ctrl key and clicking. Clicking again without holding down the Ctrl key, eliminates all curves and draws only the newly clicked one. Its a flexible, rapid way of switching back and forth between one or more curves.
Plotting a differential voltage in Probe
In Micro-Cap 6 you can create a differential voltage only by using the Add Plot function on the Probe menu, and type in an expression like V(Node1,Node2).
In Micro-Cap 7 there is an easier way. Press and hold the Shift key down. Click on the first node (Node1) and then the second node (Node2). This plots the V(Node1,Node2).
Highlighting a node
A node is a collection of wires that connect one or more pins together. When you connect a new part to the node or you are simply tracing connections, you may want to see where the node is. If it is a large node with many connections it may be hard to visually take it all in. Micro-Cap provides an easy way to do this. Press the Alt key while clicking on any part of the node and Micro-Cap will highlight all of the constituent wires and pin connections that comprise the node, making it easy to see it as a whole.