Question: I want to add a new component to the MC6 libraries. How do I do it?
Answer: The long answer is the subject of a full article later on in this newsletter. Here is the short answer:
1) Copy the file containing the subckt or model statement to the data directory.
2) Add the model library file name to the nom.lib text file located in the data directory.
Add a new entry listing your file name:
3) If the new part is a primitive such as an NMOS device, nothing more is necessary. You simply place a generic NMOS in the schematic and select the new model name from the Model list in the Attribute dialog box.
If the part is a subcircuit or a macro, or it is a primitive like NMOS that you want to simply place without specifying its model name, then you must make an entry in the Component library. See the article for more details.
Question: I just installed MC6 on an NT system and I get the message "Can't find Hasp Server". What did I do wrong?
Answer: The Hasp server is the software that monitors the MC6 security key. The problem may stem from a preexisting Hasp server on the system that someone else placed there and then forgot to remove, or it may also be due to an older obsolete server on the system. To fix the problem you must uninstall the server and then reinstall it. Here's how:
If you go to the Win NT Control Panel and double click on Devices, is there a Hasp or a HaspNT in the list that and is it started?
1) If there is a server present, place disk 4 (or the CD ) in the appropriate drive and run:
drive:hinstall -r
drive:hinstall -i
Drive is the drive letter of the floppy or CD drive as appropriate, typically A: for a floppy and something higher like D: or E: for a CD drive.
This will remove and then reinstall the security key driver. You would then need to reboot.
2) If there is no server present, place disk 4 (or the CD ) in the appropriate drive and run:
drive:hinstall -i
This will install the security key driver. You would then need to reboot.