This section is designed to highlight one or two features per issue that may be overlooked because they
are not made visually obvious with a toolbar button.
Auto Scale Visible Region Command
The Auto Scale command under the Scope menu is a commonly used command that automatically
determines the scale ranges in order to best display the waveforms in the plot. However, it will
always scale using the data from the entire waveform which may not be appropriate in some situations.
The Auto Scale Visible Region command, which is also available under the Scope menu,
scales the vertical or Y axis of the waveforms by considering only Y values within the currently
visible or displayed X region. This command is useful when you have zoomed in on a small part of
a waveform and want to auto scale only the vertical region while maintaining the X axis scale of the
original zoom.
An example of the use of the Auto Scale Visible Region command is shown in the figure below.
The waveform in each plot group has been set to the same expression: V(Out). When this simulation
is originally run, both the top and bottom plots are set to show the entire waveform. The top
plot in the figure still maintains its original scale. The bottom plot has been zoomed in on to show
the steady state operation of the output after the initial transient has passed. After the zoom in, the
Auto Scale Visible Region command was then selected to produce the display shown in the bottom