Question: I need to use a triangle input waveform for my circuit, but I don't
see one available in the Component list. How do I create one?
Answer: A triangle waveform, along with sawtooth, ramp, step, and impulse
waveforms, can all be created through the Pulse capability of the Voltage Source
component. The Pulse has seven parameters:
V1 - Initial voltage value
V2 - Pulsed voltage value
TD - Time delay value
TR - Rise time value
TF - Fall time value
PW - Pulse width value
PER - Period value
Triangle - For a triangle waveform, set V1 and V2 to the low and high voltages of
the waveform. Set TD and PW to 0. TR and TF should be set to the rise and fall
times of the triangle waveform. PER should be equal to TR + TF.
Sawtooth - For a sawtooth waveform, set V1 and V2 to the low and high voltages of
the waveform. Set TD and PW to 0. TR should be set to the rise time of the sawtooth
waveform. TF should be set to a small value in comparison to TR so that the falling
transition is very quick but nonzero. PER should be equal to TR + TF.
Ramp - For a ramp waveform, set V1 and V2 to the initial and final voltages of the
waveform. Set TD to 0. TR should be set to the simulation time that is to be used
in transient analysis. Set PER to a value greater than the simulation time. The
TF and PW values are not relevant to the ramp waveform.
Step - For a step waveform, set V1 and V2 to the initial and stepped voltages of the
waveform. Set TD to the delay time before the step occurs. TR should be set to a
small value in comparison to the simulation time so that there is a quick transition
from V1 to V2. Set PW and PER to values greater than the simulation time so that
the voltage stays at the V2 value for the rest of the simulation. The TF value is
not relevant to the step waveform.
Impulse - For an impulse waveform, set V1 to 0. Set V2 to the impulse voltage.
Set TD to the delay time before the impulse occurs. PW should be set to a value
equal to 1/V2. TR and TF should be set to small values in comparison to PW so
that the impulse has quick rise and fall transitions. PER should be greater than
the simulation time so that the impulse only occurs once during the run.
If a current input is needed instead, the above information also applies to the
Pulse capability of the Current Source component.