This section is designed to highlight one or two features per issue that may be overlooked because they
are not made visually obvious with a toolbar button.
Change Core Units
The Model program embedded within Micro-Cap can optimize model parameters from data sheet information. For
the core, the information that needs to be input to optimize a model is the B-H curve of the core material.
The B-H curve in a data sheet is typically plotted in one of the following unit types:
CGS: B=Gauss and H=Oersteds
SI: B=Teslas and H=Amps/Meter
The default settings for a core in the Model program is to have the input in CGS units. However, if the
B-H curve information is in SI units, rather than having to manually convert the data over to CGS units, a
single command will change the input unit type that the core will accept. The Change Core Units command
available under the Model menu will toggle the input unit type between CGS and SI, so that it can easily
handle either of the two as an input.
If there is currently data in the B and H columns, the Change Core Units command will also scale that data
to the new units. Therefore, prior to entering data, check to make sure that the core units match the data
units that are to be input.
Plotting the B-H curve in a transient analysis can also be done in both CGS and SI units. The B and H
operators will plot in Gauss and Oersteds, and the BSI and HSI operators will plot in Teslas and
Amps/Meter. The figure below displays the B-H curve of the same material using both unit types.