This section is designed to highlight one or two features per issue that may be overlooked because they are not made visually obvious with an icon or a menu item.
Changing the Format on the Analysis Scales
The default format for the X and Y scales in an analysis are for them to be specified with two digits to the right of the decimal point. In some situations, this may not provide enough accuracy. A waveform that has very little movement in the Y direction or a waveform that has been zoomed in on may need more digits to view meaningful values on the scale. In fact, if a waveform is zoomed in on enough, eventually all of the values on the scale will be the same because the change in the displayed waveform will be too small for the scale format to display.
The scale format may be changed within the Analysis Characteristics dialog box. Simply double click in the plot while in Select mode or hit the F10 hotkey to invoke the Characteristics dialog box. In the dialog box, click on the Format command button. The settings for both the X and the Y scales will appear. The X and the Y scales are each controlled separately by the Scale Format text field in each section. This text field value must be a single integer that specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point. Editing the field will change the scale for all waveforms that share that scale. Clicking on the Format All command button will set the scales for all waveforms to the values shown on the screen.
The default Scale format for new circuits can be edited in the Preferences which is located under the Options menu. In the Preferences dialog box, click on the Format option in the list. The scale format may be changed by editing the value in the Default Plot Scales text field.