This section is designed to highlight one or two features per issue that may be overlooked because they are not made visually obvious with an icon or a menu item.
Documenting with WMF Files
Micro-Cap has the capability of producing two types of graphic files: bitmaps (.BMP) and metafiles (.WMF). Both can be easily copied to the clipboard and pasted into other programs through the Copy to Clipboard section of the Edit menu. Metafiles have the additional benefit that they may be copied to a file on disk through the Copy the Entire Window to WMF File... option under the Edit menu. The .WMF file can contain the schematic or any of the plot windows that are created. These files can be used as documentation in such programs as Microsoft Word, Adobe Pagemaker, and even Micro-Cap itself. Micro-Cap lets you import a .WMF file into a schematic while in Metafile mode. The file may be placed anywhere in the schematic, and the size edited as desired.
In the figure below, the sample circuit PRLC.CIR has had two metafiles imported into its schematic. In this example, transient analysis has been run twice, plotting the input one time and then the output the other time. After each of these analyses, a .WMF file was created with a unique name. In the schematic, Metafile mode was enabled and the two graphic files were placed by their respective nodes.
To import a .WMF file in MC5, the file does not have to be created from Micro-Cap. For example, if a company logo is available in .WMF format, this graphic can also be imported into a schematic.