Easily Overlooked Features - Spring 2007
This section is designed to highlight one or two features per issue that may be overlooked because they
are not made visually obvious with a toolbar button.
Thumb Nail Plot
Micro-Cap has the capability to produce a thumbnail plot of the selected plot group. This feature provides a
small guide plot which gives a global view of where the current plot displays are on the whole curve. You can
select different display views by dragging a box in the plot with the left mouse button. Dragging the box with
the right mouse button pans the selected plot group. Transient, AC, and DC analysis all have this capability in
both the standard analysis and the Probe analysis. The thumbnail plot is created by selecting the Thumb Nail
Plot command under the Scope menu.
The thumbnail plot shows only a single plot group at a time. To view a different plot group in the thumbnail,
click in the plot group or an a plot expression in that group in the main analysis window. The rectangular
region present in the thumbnail plot shows the area of the curve that is currently being displayed within the
main plot. The thumbnail plot will also display the location of the cursors from the Cursor mode.