Question: I have created a circuit section that I would like to copy and paste a
few times in the schematic. Since each of these sections are operating in parallel with each
other, I have labelled the nodes on each side of the section as PortA and PortB. However,
when I copy and paste the section, the text labels for the nodes in the new pasted section
have numbers appended to them such as PortA1 and PortB1. I then have to manually edit each
of the text labels to maintain the parallel connectivity. Is there a way to prevent Micro-Cap
from automatically changing these text labels?
Answer: Micro-Cap does have an option available that can disable this feature. Select
Preferences under the Options menu. In the Preferences dialog box that comes up, click on
the Options tab. In the Circuit section of the Options page, there is an option called Text
Increment. Disable this option. Now when text is pasted into the schematic, the text label
will maintain its original string.
The Text Increment option is designed to increment any grid text that is being pasted into
the circuit if there is existing text within the circuit that matches the string. This
option is extremely useful when labelling nodes in the following manner:
such as with the output of a 16 bit AtoD component. In this case, simply place a text
string called Out1 into the schematic. Select the Out1 text string. Hold the CTRL key
down and drag on the Out1 text. This CTRL+Drag procedure performs an operation called drag
copying. Drag copying copies the selected objects and drags the copy along with the mouse,
leaving the original objects undisturbed. When Text Increment is enabled, the drag copying
will also automatically increment the text so it is a very simple procedure to quickly create
and place node labels such as these.
If you do want to maintain the connectivity of sections via node names that you are pasting
into the schematic, then this option should be disabled.