Spectrum Software
Industrial Strength Simulation






Easily Overlooked Features - Spring 2003


This section is designed to highlight one or two features per issue that may be overlooked because they are not made visually obvious with a toolbar button.

Navigate Buttons in the Attribute Dialog Box
The navigate buttons scroll through the parts that are present in the schematic. They are a means to quickly navigate to another component in the schematic without having to close the Attribute dialog box. The navigate buttons are found in the bottom right corner of the Attribute dialog box as shown below.

Attribute Dialog Box

Left Navigate Button Right Navigate Button  These buttons navigate to another part of the same part type. For example, if the current part in the Attribute dialog box is a resistor, then clicking one of these buttons will take you to another resistor in the schematic. The order of the parts is determined by when they were placed in the schematic.

Up Navigate Button Down Navigate Button  These buttons navigate to another part of a different part type. For example, if the current part in the Attribute dialog box is a battery, then clicking one of these buttons may take you to a resistor or a pulse source. The type that is navigated to depends on what is in the schematic, and what the current part type is.

The component that is displayed in the Attribute dialog box will be highlighted in the schematic in the background.
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