Spectrum Software
Industrial Strength Simulation






Questions and Answers


Question: I just installed Micro-Cap 7 on my Windows 2000 and when I run it I get an error message about not being able to find the key in the parallel port. I thought Micro-Cap 7 was supposed to run on Windows 2000.

Answer: It does. The problem is probably in the settings for your parallel port. Check the settings under Control Panel / System / Hardware / Device Manager / Ports / Parallel Port. The setting should be ECP or BIDI. If it is set to Auto, then the Hasp key driver will not be able to recognize the key in the parallel port.

Question: How do I get the cursors in one plot to align with the cursors in another plot? They used to be lined up but I can't get then to align anymore. Is there an option somewhere?

Answer: Enable the Align Cursors on the Scope menu after the plot is drawn. This option is saved in the circuit file and is on by default for newly created circuits.

Question: Can I make a function in Micro-Cap as you can in the C language?

Answer: Yes you can. User functions are implemented as an extension of the .DEFINE command. The normal usage of the .DEFINE command is as follows:


This simply defines a constant RDIM that can be used elsewhere in the circuit. The other usage of the command lets you define useful functions like this:


Then you might call it with circuit variables or constants like this

QUADRATIC(V(10), 21.34, V(3,14))

These functions can be made available to all circuits by placing them in the User Definitions file ( Options menu / User Definitions ) or can be kept local to the current circuit by placing them in the circuit's text area or schematic grid text.

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