Spectrum Software
Industrial Strength Simulation






Easily Overlooked Features


This section is designed to highlight one or two features per issue that may be overlooked because they are not made visually obvious with an icon or a menu item.

Characteristics Dialog Box
Many of the characteristics of the active window can be changed using the Characteristics dialog box. This dialog box can be invoked by hitting the F10 hotkey or by double clicking in the window, except on an object, while in select mode. Changes made in the dialog box only affect the loaded file. The Characteristics dialog box can control the settings of each of the following windows.

Schematic - The Characteristics dialog box controls the color and font of the text area and the colors in the schematic area. In the schematic area, the dialog box controls the color of the components, wires, select mode, node numbers and voltages, pin connections, digital path, and the background.

Analysis Plot - The Characteristics dialog box controls the line width of the waveform, which plot group it is in, and whether it is showing at the time. It is also possible to set the range of a waveform, its numeric format, and the format for the scales. The colors and fonts for the window can also be edited in the dialog box. The color control is for the scale text, grid, window background, graph background, and any available waveforms.

Performance Plot - The Characteristics dialog box controls everything in this window that it does in the analysis plot window. In addition, any performance plot waveform may have its title, function, expression, X-axis, boolean, and settings edited in the dialog box.

3D Plot - The Characteristics dialog box controls the 3D plot display options, the value and scale formats, and the font and colors of the plot. The color control is for patches, background, planes, and grids. The variables of the 3D plot may also be edited here.

Monte Carlo - The Characteristics dialog box controls the fonts and the colors of the backgrounds, bars, and grids. The existing Monte Carlo plot can have its title, function, expression, boolean, and format edited here.

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