Spectrum Software
Industrial Strength Simulation






Easily Overlooked Features - Fall 2011


This section is designed to highlight one or two features per issue that may be overlooked because they are not made visually obvious with a toolbar button.

Cursor Variables
The cursor variables are variables that display the X and Y values of the current locations of the two cursors in a plot window. The variables available are:

CursorRX: This variable displays the current X location of the right cursor.
CursorRY: This variable displays the current Y location of the right cursor.
CursorLX: This variable displays the current X location of the left cursor.
CursorLY: This variable displays the current Y location of the left cursor.

These variables can be used within analysis text to create formulas that are dependent on the position of the cursors. Analysis formula text can be created by enabling the Formula option in the Text dialog box. An expression within the specified delimiters will be evaluated and its value placed in the plot in place of the expression string. In the following examples, the formula delimiters are the square brackets, [ ].

Width = [CursorRX - CursorLX]

This expression would display the X distance between the two cursors.

Peak to Peak = [CursorLY - CursorRY]

This expression would display the Y distance between the two cursors.

Slope = [(CursorRY - CursorLY) / (CursorRX - CursorLX)]

This expression would display the slope of a line between the two cursors.

Of course, the usefulness of the calculated results will depend on the user placing the cursors in the appropriate positions. The analysis formula text will be updated each time the cursor is moved.

When the simulation has finished, the initial placements of the cursors will have the left cursor at the first data point of the simulation, and the right cursor at the last data point of the simulation. Any analysis formula text that uses the cursor variables will use the values at these two points even before Cursor mode has been activated.

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