Easily Overlooked Features - Fall 2008
This section is designed to highlight one or two features per issue that may be overlooked because they
are not made visually obvious with a toolbar button.
Exporting Waveform Data in CSV Format
The CSV (Comma Separated Value) file format is a common format for exchanging data between different programs. Microsoft
Excel is one of the more popular programs that uses CSV files. Micro-Cap has the capability to export waveform data in
CSV format which can then be easily imported into programs such as Excel.
A CSV file can be created through the Save Curves page of the Analysis Properties dialog box. Once the simulation has
finished, invoke the Analysis Properties dialog box and click on the Save Curves tab. The page appears as below.
The list on the left hand side of the page displays the waveforms that can be exported. A check mark in the box to the
left of the waveform enables that waveform for export. The As (New Name) field lets you set the title of the waveform
in the header of the CSV file. If Save Actual Data Points is enabled, all of the data points calculated during the
simulation will be exported into the file. Otherwise, it will interpolate the waveform using the number of data points
specified in the Number of Points field.
The In File field lets you specify the file name that will be created when the Save button is clicked. This page can
create either User Source files or CSV files. For CSV files, the extension of the file name must be CSV for that format
to be used. Clicking the Save button creates the file.