Spectrum Software
Industrial Strength Simulation






Easily Overlooked Features - Fall 2004


This section is designed to highlight one or two features per issue that may be overlooked because they are not made visually obvious with a toolbar button.

Stepping Information in the Mouse Tracker
When a simulation uses stepping, multiple branches of each waveform will appear in the plot. Sometimes it can be difficult to determine which branch belongs to which value of the stepped parameter. Moving the cursor between branches in cursor mode or using the Label Branches option under the Scope menu are two options to view the stepping information. However, the simplest method is by using the mouse tracker. The mouse tracker displays information that pertains to the point on the plot that the cursor is currently pointing at. This tracker can be enabled by going to the Trackers section under the Scope menu.

In the figure below, a transient simulation has been run where the R1 resistor is stepped from 0 to 5k in 1k steps, and the C2 capacitor was stepped so that its two values were 3nF and 33nF. This stepping produces a total of twelve different branches. Moving the mouse cursor over one of the branches will display its stepping information in the mouse tracker such as in the figure where the tracker displays the following:

8.809m,0.780 C2=3n R1=4K

The first two values are the coordinates that the mouse is currently pointing at. The rest of the tracker information displays the values of the stepped parameters for the waveform branch that is closest to the mouse cursor. In this case, the C2 capacitor is at 3nF and the R1 resistor is at 4k Ohms for the waveform branch that the cursor is pointing to.

Mouse tracker with stepping display

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