Question: I have been running Dynamic DC analysis. When I display the currents,
powers, or conditions, it can sometimes be difficult to determine which component the
display belongs to. Is there a way to view which component the display is linked to?
Answer: There is a simple way to view which displays belong to a specific
component. While in Dynamic DC analysis, enable the Select mode. In Select mode, click
on one of the components in the schematic. Any displays associated with this component
will be redrawn in the select color. This will work for any current, power, or condition
display. Voltage displays are associated with a node and not a specific component so they
will not be affected by this method.
Question: I am running a 100ms transient analysis on my schematic. The simulation
gets to approximately the 30ms mark, and it then starts the simulation over again. It
will then run through the entire simulation and any subsequent simulations. If I revert
my circuit, I get the restart again during the first run. Why does the restart occur?
Answer: In the Preferences dialog box, there is an option called Convergence
Assist which will be enabled. Convergence Assist is invoked if the simulation runs
into convergence problems. It may modify Global Settings parameters such as RELTOL,
ABSTOL, VNTOL, ITL2, ITL4, METHOD, GMIN, and others to achieve convergence. Since a
change in the Global Settings can affect the SPICE matrix, the simulation needs to be
restarted. If the assist succeeds, it adds a .OPTIONS statement to the text area of
the circuit with the modified parameters so that subsequent runs converge more