Spectrum Software
Industrial Strength Simulation






Easily Overlooked Features - Fall 2003


This section is designed to highlight one or two features per issue that may be overlooked because they are not made visually obvious with a toolbar button.

Simultaneous Multi-Row Analysis Limits Edits
The analysis limits dialog box contains five text fields for each expression that is entered into Micro-Cap. The text fields are: P, X Expression, Y Expression, X Range, and Y Range. These five fields describe the waveform to be plotted, the range to plot it in, and which plot group the waveform is to be placed in. For the P, X Expression, X Range, and Y Range fields, all of the waveforms often share the same value such as T for the X Expression in a transient analysis. Performing a left click on the column header invokes a menu that lets you rapidly change the value of all of the rows for that column simultaneously. One of the most common uses for this technique is to quickly set all of the Y Range fields to Auto for the next run.

Transient Analysis Limits dialog box

The figure above displays an example of the menu that was created when the X Range header was clicked. The menu contains entries that are either predefined in Micro-Cap or have been specified by the user in one of the rows of the column. In the above figure, the 'Auto' and 'TMAX,TMIN' entries will always be in the menu for the X Range. The '1E-5,0,2e-6' and '50m,0' entries were taken from the values that are currently defined for the X Range fields. Selecting any of these will set all rows to the selected value.

Clicking on the Y Expression header will invoke the Variables List which lets you choose circuit variables to place in the Y Exression fields. Obviously, there aren't many cases where one would want to set the Y Expression field to the same value for all waveforms, but there are the rare instances where it may be useful as a starting point in defining waveforms.

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