Micro-Cap has the capability to convert schematics into text netlists
that can be imported into PCB layout programs. There are five possible
PCB layout netlist formats that the schematic can be converted into:
Protel 1, Protel 2, Accel, Orcad PCB II, and PADS. These netlists can
then be imported directly into a PCB layout program that can perform
layout and routing on the circuit. This feature saves the problem of
having to create the schematic in two separate programs. Simply create
the schematic and run the simulation in Micro-Cap, export the schematic
to a netlist, and then import that netlist into a PCB program that can
accept it.
Over 18000 of the components in the Component library have at least one
package defined for them. The packages can be chosen when the component
is placed in the schematic. After placement in the schematic, click on
the Package attribute drop down arrow and a list of available packages
will be shown. Each of the components has its package pin configuration
defined for a package within the Package library.
The Package library is controlled by the Package editor which lets the
user add or edit the package information for any of the components within
Micro-Cap. The Package editor lets you define basic packages and complex
packages. Complex packages are when more than one instance of the component
is present within the package. This editor links the pins used in the
schematic to the pins that will be used in the PCB netlist.