File Format for User Correction Tables

The user correction file is an ASCII file named USERCOR1.DAT that is stored in the directory C:\INTERNAL\USERCOR\ on the internal hard disk of the CMU. The file contains up to 6 independent tables to store the correction values for the 3 RF output connectors and the 3 RF input connectors of the instrument. Each table has the following structure:


























Comments in the file must be introduced by a double dagger #. Spaces and indentations are allowed for easier readability of the file. The first character in a line can be a minus sign but must not be a plus sign. The following example shows a valid user correction file:

# This is a comment

#  (any number of spaces is allowed)

    # indentations are allowed,


# spaces and TAB are used for separation


RF2in:   500   1000   1500   2000

 10:    1.20  -1.2   -.23    -0.5  # comments are allowed at the end of a line

  0:    0.34   1.14  1.20    -1.2

-10:    1.19  -1.19  -1.12   1.00

-14:    -0.32  +1.11 -0.50   1.10


 RF1in:   200    800    1500  

 10:      +1.20  -.91   .5      

 0:       -0.12  +1.11  -0.50 


RF3OUT:  400   1000   1555   2500

 10:    1.20  -1.20  -0.23   -0.5

  0:    0.34   1.14   1.20   -1.2

-10:    1.19  -1.19  -1.12    1.00

-14:   -0.12  +1.11  -0.50    1.10

Note:    In general RF user correction tables are no longer valid after an update of the path correction data, e.g. by means of the automatic calibration system R&S ACS. To ensure that outdated user correction data are not used inadvertently, the ACS renames all files c:\internal\usercor\ *.dat à c:\internal\usercor\ *.bak after a change of the path correction data. Existing *.bak files are overwritten.